Curious about what Students4Sustainability is doing now? Look at the news overview! Here are all the project updates, planned events and much more!
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Committee interest drinks
September 25, 2019 Generic news -
Barsha Pump update 2
August 21, 2019 Project news -
Barsha Pump update 1
July 25, 2019 Project news -
Nosquito | The first prototype!
June 7, 2019 Project news -
Nosquito | First weeks
May 30, 2019 Project news -
Maldives Matter | Tomato tests
April 15, 2019 Project news -
Sustainable Siyakhana | Last update
February 10, 2019 Project news -
Electric Fence Bardiya | Finishing up the project
January 31, 2019 Project news -
Muima | A successful project!
January 31, 2019 Generic news