We are four students from the TU Delft. From this November we will be travelling to the Gambia. This country amongst many others has a problem with food insecurity. With the ongoing climate change, this problem is only getting worse. The dry, warm and changing conditions make The Gambia a harsh environment to grow crops. We will be in The Gambia from November until the start of February, to introduce a new form of horticulture to the local farmers. This form of horticulture is called hydroponics, this method of watering crops uses less water, is less labour intensive and causes no ground degradation. Instead of planting the crops in the soil, the roots are suspended in water containing nutrients. The hydroponic systems will be built in Kuntaur, a village in the rural mainland of The Gambia. Most people here are dependent on the agricultural sector, which is why our project is located there. We will be working mainly with the female farmers, who are the biggest workforce in the agricultural sector. The hydroponics will be made from mostly natural materials and the needed nutrients will also be harvested from locally sourced resources. This method uses up to ten times less water than conventional watering methods. A common problem with these projects is the continuation. By involving local farmers from the beginning of the project, we strive to ensure the continuity of the project after our leave. In short, we will be introducing hydroponics. A way to ensure food security for the local population, using less water, being less labour intensive and overall better for the environment!
Kairoh Garden