Curious about what Students4Sustainability is doing now? Look at the news overview! Here are all the project updates, planned events and much more!
All News
Muima - Update III
January 28, 2020 Project news -
Green Frugal energy update V
January 28, 2020 Project news -
Greenfarming at the Cottica - Update II
January 24, 2020 Project news -
Green Frugal Energy - Update IV
January 21, 2020 Project news -
Frugal Hydroponics - Update I
January 16, 2020 Project news -
Tuintje in mijn hart - Hydroponics version
January 16, 2020 Project news -
Muima - Update II
January 10, 2020 Project news -
Green Frugal Energy - Update III
January 9, 2020 Project news -
GETI - Update II
January 8, 2020 Project news