Last week the construction of HS’s very own biogas digester commenced, and it has been very uplifting to see the project we envisioned becoming a reality. When we arrived at the office, a big hole had been dug, and the following days a mason worked hard on the construction of the dome. At the moment of writing this update, the gas tap and the PVC pipes for input have been connected, and the gas-tight coating has been applied on the inside. Since we will only be here for another three days, we will not experience the first gas production. However we are very glad our plan could be executed. Also on behalf of our supervisor Henry, many thanks to S4S for enabling this execution! We will send our next and fnal update after finalisation. Until then we will be finalising our business model proposition by means of a presentation and enjoy our last days in this beautiful country.
Green Frugal Energy - Update IV