Unfortunately our project has come to an end, and with a bittersweet taste we come back to Delft.
We are happy to say that the pilot plant for CMF filtration is now back to operation, although some
optimization has to be done still. From our water quality tests we saw that the filtered water could
already be used for car wash businesses and watering the city parks, which would already help
decrease the stress on the drinking water supply. However, high costs for water truck delivery
make it difficult to upscale the delivery of reclaimed wastewater; a possibility to go around this
would be to install pipes or have subsidies for the water, which however could not be quantified.
It was good to see that local and national organizations would be interested in being involved in
the upscaling of the project!
Besides the technical part, we are very thankful to have pursued this project: we learnt a lot from
a professional and personal side, and being exposed to a different culture and society opened
our minds in this perspective. Truly recommend it for the next students to take such
UPDATE II: Wastewater reuse in Maputo