Welcome to our last update.
In the last month we have dedicated our time to three main subjects: Filling the finished plant beds with small trees, installing an irrigation system and preparing the community to run the nursery. There was no time to spare as this was our last month in Ecuador.
As you might remember from our last update, the residents of Tandayapa had chosen for the nursery to be placed in a central part of their village. We first planned on placing the nursery in at the research station of the local university, but we of course embraced the decision to position the nursery in an area that belongs to the people of Tandayapa.
After involving the community in devising the irrigation system, we were offered to connect the irrigation system to the pipelines of Tandayapa. This meant that equipment like a generator and a water pump, which would have been necessary if the nursery would be located at the research station, were no longer needed. This simplified the system, making it easier to construct and maintain. This decision also meant that community members who were already familiar with the local sewage system could take the lead in construction. The community now knows how to maintain the system because they took the lead in construction. Them being self sustaining is a high priority.
Then, in order for the plant beds and the irrigation system to become a plant nursery, we needed… plants!
We partnered with a nearby plant nursery who could advise us on what plants we should plant in the Tandayapa plant nursery. We bought 620 native plants, which brought a lot of color to the nursery and the village. These plants can be seen as a catalyst, a kickstart for the business process. After their first sale they can buy new seeds and start the process again by themselves.
As we are wrapping up and getting ready to leave, we arranged meetings to talk about community organization. The local university will support the Tandayapa in maintaining the nursery.
Our time in Tandayapa has come to an end. We really enjoyed our time spent with the community and we want to thank them for their commitment.
We leave with full confidence that the community will continue to take care the nursery reach its potential.
UPDATE II: Tandayapa community plant nursery