Pokot Community Centre

Location: Kenia | |

The Pokot Comunitiy are pastoral people living in the West of Kenya. Due to the climatechanges their temporary way of living is changing.

Six students from the faculty of Architecture at the TU Delft are going to design a Community Centre for this Pokot Community. In the Centre there will be space for a library, classrooms, computer trainings and a office.

This Centre is ought to be a for the community to meet, ant to gather for education. For example, about HIV/AIDS, entrepreneurship and keeping African Bees.

By using local materials and building techniques the design will be sustainable. Also renewable energy sources will be used in the centre. One of the design restrictions is that it should be able for the community to maintain the Centre with just the own resources, so as part of the project the knowledge about the construction and maintenance will be educated to the locals.

Early this year the students traveld to Kenya for research. In November they will return to Kenya to construct the centre.

You can support this project! Check for more information their website:www.pokotcommunitycentre.nl


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