Hi everybody!
We are Rolf, Laurens and Tetsuo, students of Delft University of Technology. As part of our
study program, we are doing a project at the Strategic Entrepreneurship Program Sierra Leone
(SEP-SL) to help decrease youth unemployment in Sierra Leone. SEP-SL is a social enterprise
that aims to develop and support the talents of young entrepreneurs in Sierra Leone, with a
focus on the tailoring industry. Currently, the SEP-SL runs a tailoring facility in Freetown where
the students develop their skills and gain practical experience. They produce beautiful bags and
face masks made from recycled and deadstock fabrics.
The program has proven to be a great success and is ready for expansion! Currently the SEP
team is planning to build a new facility in an undeveloped area near Freetown. To give the new
institute access to clean drinking water, we want to build a modulair Flamingo Rope Pump
with SEP-SL and the local community. The rope pump can be produced in any country with
local materials and local tools and is therefore the perfect durable solution to supply water in
Sierra Leone!
We hope to inspire people to use a durable water supply system and to give people in Sierra
Leone easier access to clean drinking water by building a rope pump in Sierra Leone!
Hydropepump Sierra Leone