UPDATE II: Limpodo Reserve Soil Research

We are happy to share some updates from the Limpopo Lipadi! Time is flying by and we have
reached the half way point of our time here. Summer has approached and with it a few raindrops
and very hot days. In the last two weeks we have been busy continuing the fieldwork and
analyzing the collected soil samples.
A total of 48 soil samples have undergone a soil texture and colour analysis which allowed for a
simple and practical field classification of the soil type in the different locations within the
reserve. This step is crucial and serves as a basis to allow us significantly compare the rest of
the data we have collected, such as soil moisture and hydraulic conductivity.
Progress has been made on the water balance which has been a challenge. We mainly focused
on how to implement the spatial variability of the different parameters over the reserve into the
water balance. In order to do this, a land use classification using satellite images was conducted
as well as an analysis of both the slopes and the elevation within the study area. In addition, we
have been busy trying to define all the parameters needed to represent the reserve in the water
balance, for this purpose we went out into the bushes. Specifically, a runoff coefficient test has
been conducted in cleared, non cleared, sloped and flat areas to be able to determine the
influence of such conditions on the amount of water infiltrating or running off towards the river.
Some exciting news is that we went on a day trip to the nearby city where we experienced more of
the local culture and spent quality time all together!
In the upcoming weeks we will be busy formalizing our results, finalizing the parameters for the
water balance and most importantly finding the most efficient way to produce a cohesive and
insightful report for the Limpopo Lipadi Reserve.
We are excited to make the most out of the last weeks on the reserve, looking forward to share
with you our findings in our final updates!

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