We are Anne-Felice Hoge, Ilse de Vries, Eva Tops, and Michelle Frens—four motivated students from Delft who love a challenge.
Currently, we are in Djougou, a town in Benin, working on building a biogas reactor at an agricultural school called Lycée Technique Agricole (LTA). This gas will replace charcoal, which is commonly used for cooking but contributes to deforestation, increased risk of lung disease, and other health hazards.
In addition to constructing the reactor itself, we have conducted three different workshops on biogas over the past five weeks and have created a handbook to leave behind at LTA. This ensures that after our departure, LTA can continue implementing and spreading knowledge about the reactor to other schools and farms in the area.
The reactor is now operational, and the first signs of gas production and compost formation have already been observed! We are thrilled with this progress and are looking forward to the coming weeks, during which two more workshops will be held and the reactor will be monitored.