Hi! We are Emil, Bas, Paul, Pierre, Fabian and Luca, 6 Environmental Engineering students
working on wastewater reuse in Maputo for our Multidisciplinary Project. As of now, several
industrial activities such as concrete producers in the city use tap water for their purposes, which
impacts the current and future water availability for domestic purposes. Our goal is to assess
whether re-treating wastewater can make the wastewater usable for industrial purposes,
therefore increasing the drinking water availability.
So far, we brought back to operation a pilot plant for the secondary treatment and now doing
water quality tests. Besides the technical side, we are also conducting a stakeholder and
economic feasibility analysis. We feel extremely grateful for all the local colleagues that are
helping us in sitting in the local communities, and being continuously in contact with the local
stakeholders is teaching us plenty of things, also beyond our academic scope.
UPDATE I: Wastewater reuse in Maputo