IWACA-TECH | Update 1

Bom dia, We are already 2 weeks in the beautiful Mozambique, Xinavane where we stay at the sugar cane plantation of the company Tongaat. Together with a group of Mozambican students we focus on increasing water productivity.

We do this by addressing several themes; groundwater, irrigation practices, water quality, evaporation, remote sensing and hydraulic infrastructure. Past 2 weeks were all about introduction and preparation of materials to do work with in the field. This mainly concerns the theme groundwater for which arrow tubes are made. Due to the plugs in the ground, the final groundwater level can be measured. We have also made a weir for the hydraulic infrastructure to measure the water flow in the irrigation canals.

Our days start early because temperatures rise quickly and so we head into the field around 5 o'clock. We will spend the coming weeks mainly in the field to analyse the themes

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Jessie-Lynn, Kirsten, Sten, David, Gijs en Judith


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