Electric Fence Bardiya | Finishing up the project

Since our last update a lot has happened. In that update we wrote we were in Thakurdwara, the village where the gate of the National Park is situated. We also wrote that we were making adjustments to the test site in the National Park, where mice broke the cables of the camera system and the fence was to be rebuilt. We completed both within the planning of 1 week since our arrival in Thakurdwara on January 3rd.

After this week we departed to Geruwa again, where the other test site was also to be completed. The monitoring system had to be installed, but we also planned to make some adjustments to the fence itself. For example, we wanted a better grip of the poles in the ground by adding concrete around the bottom of the poles. That prevents that the poles turn. We also added an extra span wire to some poles from the pole to the lower part of the arm, to prevent the arm from going up.


Besides these technical modifications and installing the monitoring system we also made a so-called dining table. More importantly, we also constructed the safety station. Thick wooden poles with a thin iron sheets between and on it on the outside. On the inside is a mice- and rat-proof construction of steel. That way both humans and animals are not able to enter the safety station. By placing the safety station, just like the dining table, inside of the fence we secured its safety from elephants as well, if the fence works 100% obviously.


Multiple trainings were also on our schedule in Geruwa. Eventually only 1 training took place, but it was the most important one. The day before we left for Thakurdwara again 20 representatives of different institutions from Geruwa  visited the test site. There they could see the test fence, as well as learn how the current fence can be improved. Our Nepalese colleagues told us that they were pretty impressed by our progress and what we achieved. Yesterday, after we arrived in Thakurdwara, we gave our final presentation to NTNC, that were impressed as well by our work. Obviously it made us very proud to hear that both.


Tomorrow the second part of our trip back to the Netherlands takes place: a 10-12 hours lasting car-trip to Kathmandu. Even though Nepal is breath-taking and we have had a very pleasant time in Bardiya, we look forward to being back in the Netherlands. See you!


Flip, Thomas & Wessel

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