Bangla | Filter tests

Our last update has been a while ago, however we have good news! Our filter is up and running and is as we speak extensively tested on performance and safety.

The first results show a good performance of the filter, the setup filters the arsenic from a concentration of more than 400 microgram per liter to below the WHO-limit of 10 microgram per liter. However more testing is necessary to ensure the long term quality of the water. For example the microbiological content of the water in the setup is tested. When the results stay positive the preparation for the distribution towards the people of the village can start.


The filter setup is being built on the property of a family where the water quality has the right characteristics for this first pilot treatment. The family is very friendly and hospitable. Moreover this family has a good interaction with the people from the village. During our work at the setup, people from the village are walking in and having a look about what we are doing. Especially children are very interested and ask us to play some soccer with them. Of course we have some time for this so now or then!

Meanwhile, the handpump water quality testing has come to an end. We received the data from the water laboratory at the TU Delft. At the moment the data is analysed, the results will be distributed towards the people to update them about the water quality of their hand pump. The results will also be used to map the arsenic contamination in the project-area and to relate this to the geology.

Next weeks, we will be mainly busy with data analysis and testing the water quality of our filter. We hope we can tap water from our own drinking water treatment soon!

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