Curious about what Students4Sustainability is doing now? Look at the news overview! Here are all the project updates, planned events and much more!
All News
Hydropepump Sierra Leone- Update I
December 25, 2020 Project news -
Plastic identification Anywhere - Update I
December 14, 2020 Project news -
Project DagUp - Look back
October 12, 2020 Project news -
DagUp - update Iii
August 2, 2020 Project news -
DagUp - Update II
July 7, 2020 Project news -
Update Nosquito project
June 21, 2020 Project news -
DagUp - Update I
June 11, 2020 Project news -
Aquaponics - Update II
April 26, 2020 Project news -
Aquaponics update I
April 21, 2020 Project news