Mingo-ace update II

After the inspiring co-creation session with a few of our Ugandese colleagues, we have gathered enough information to make a well founded concept choice in good consulation with the stakeholders: our coach from the TU and our contact at the company. 

Half of our team has already left for the Netherlands again. This makes deciding on our concept choice a bit of a struggle. Once decided the two ladies who stayed behind in Uganda started enthusiastically on this concept direction. After researching a few technical features, we quickly switched into making our prototype and the organization of our last user test. Our last days are approaching and we really want to find out what the local people think of our design.  After a while we found out that there is not as much as an ‘African thempo’ in Uganda as we thought: our prototype is finished in only one day and the user test is set up very quickly because of the good contacts the other half of our group gained. Our user test turns out to be very succesfull and provides us with loads of new insights. Yes! Against our expectation, we were able to do everything that we planned during our stay.

Once back in the Netherlands, getting back in our project seems a challenge. We have gained so much insights in Uganda, how are we going to commicate all of them? After a insightful presentation for our coaches at the TU, important decisions are made and we are ready to make the most out of our project again. The focus for the upcoming weeks: the verification of the feasibility of the new technique we want to use and the creation of a prototype 2.0.

Do you want to know more about the project? And see some of the picture we took during the concept test? Check our facebook page: 

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