Lunchlecture: Where Innovation Meets Responsibility

Starts on: January 9, 2025 - 12:30 PM Ends on: January 9, 2025 - 1:45 PM

Together with All Energy Day we are organizing a free lunchlecture on January 9th in Pulse Square!

Technology, like a car, is only an instrument. The company structure and the people within it are the driver that steers technology in the right direction. 

In this lunchlecture Tim Kaasjager will share his experiences in the solar industry. He is the co-founder of Biosphere Solar, a start-up that brings fair and circular standards to the solar industry and market. Tim has seen that solar energy is being developed by traditional companies, leading to new humanitarian and ecological crises. New circular models are needed to ensure that a company serves society and the planet, not just it's own financial gains.

Innovation will be for nothing, if the driver does not steer it in the right direction. Join the lunchlecture to learn more about responsible innovationa and sustainable business models!

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